For health professionals
Our intelligent diagnostic software is the ideal companion in your daily practice. Take a look with Klenico and focus on treating your patients individually.

There are lots of good reasons Using Klenico for your diagnostics
By quickly recording symptoms from 21 areas of disorder, you get a comprehensive picture of the psychological stress experienced by your patients. Diagnostic suggestions based on this support you in planning your treatment. Find out now how you can use Klenico in your clinic or practice:
The Klenico system was developed over several years of scientific research using over 38,000 data sets and in collaboration with leading experts. Two studies that have already been published have confirmed the validity and reliability.
With Klenico, you offer your patients a standardized and quality-assured diagnostic procedure that is still efficient.
Save time and resources by providing Klenico with a comprehensive diagnostic picture even before the initial consultation and minimizing the use of expensive test batteries.
With our visual recording of symptoms, you can quickly see which areas need to be addressed and uncover blind spots. Our diagnostic suggestions help you with your diagnosis.
For treatment success, it is essential to record progress and changes. With our integrated historical measurements, you have the option of making direct comparisons between two measurement points.

Efficient and evidence-based for diagnosis.
Our web-based diagnostic tool allows you to quickly and comprehensively record your patients' psychological complaints. The visual symptom map takes into account all areas of the disorder and serves as a basis for your clinical assessment. Based on this, Klenico generates diagnostic suggestions in accordance with ICD-10.
Diagnostic and communication support.
Within a very short period of time, you will receive a comprehensive and evidence-based diagnostic picture and can tailor the therapy accordingly. Klenico supports you in communication with those affected and their relatives and helps to make psychological complaints more tangible and visible.

Digital solution without installation.
Klenico is completely web-based, requires no installation or maintenance, and the self-report is sent to your patients in no time at all.
Klenico is scientifically and medical checked.
Our products are designed to meet rigorous scientific and medical standards while providing deep insights into mental health. In this way, we are setting new standards in mental health assessment.
With many therapists in use
im Einsatz
CE approved medical device
Continuous clinical studies on our product
Your data will be handled in accordance with GDPR
Leading psychologists rely on Klenico
It is crucial to correctly identify psychological difficulties before starting therapy. This increases the likelihood of rapid improvement.
Petra K. — therapist
Klenico supports me in my daily work. Klenico provides me with extremely helpful support, especially when it comes to complicated psychopathologies. Patients also like the visualization of symptoms and symptom clusters. We also use them to derive a therapeutic focus from this and to make treatment progress easier to experience. For me, the software is a pioneering extension of psychopathological instruments. I am convinced that diagnoses will be more targeted. And with that, therapy.
Dr. Marc Nairz-Federspiel, Klinik ADBWIEN
Scientific evidence
The study in cooperation with the university Tübingen has shown that...
- the tested Klenico fault areas criterion validity with the SKID, the gold Standard in diagnostics, have.
- the various Klenico fault areas Comparing convergent and divergent validity with standard questionnaires.
- The tested Klenico fault areas are good have internal consistency.
The study in cooperation with Schön Roseneck Clinic has shown that...
- The Klenico disorder area depression has factorial validity.
- der Klenico Störungsbereich Depression zeitliche Veränderungen in der Symptombelastung gut abbilden kann.
- die verschiedenen Klenico Störungsbereiche konvergente und divergente Validität aufweisen und ihre Validität somit mit einer grossen, repräsentativen Stichprobe bestätigt werden konnte.